


International Tibet Network Members' Message16 February 2012

International Tibet Network Members' Message16 February 2012

Dear Network Members,

There has been much discussion about Losar 2139 (2012) and what Tibetans in Tibet will do to commemorate the period. The Network has held a number of discussions with a selection of Tibetans in exile to gauge what Tibetan NGOs and Tibet Associations are planning to do and we have come up with some recommended actions that reflect the information we have received.

In this message you will find:
1) Have a Lhakar Losar 2139: Recommended Solidarity Actions
2) Messaging and Resources

1) Have a Lhakar Losar 2139: Recommended Solidarity Actions The information that we have gathered points overwhelmingly to Tibetans, both in eastern Tibet and outside Tibet, wanting to hold commemorative events for Losar that reflect the current climate in Tibet, remember the actions of the Tibetans who have self-immolated and to show solidarity and unity among Tibetans and Tibet supporters. It also happens that Losar this year falls on 'Lhakar' or 'White Wednesday'; the day of the week that many Tibetans are using to channel their resistance into simple activities to confirm their Tibetan-ness and unity with other Tibetans.

With this in mind we recommend that Tibet groups work together to organise and/or take part in Lhakar Losar prayers and candlelit vigils to respectfully mark Losar 2139 (2012). These prayer and candlelit vigils will be a way to both mourn those Tibetans who have lost their lives and commemorate the courage of the Tibetan people in Tibet who continue to resist the oppression and occupation of the Chinese authorities.

Some suggested Actions and Activities:

i) Hold Lhakar Losar 2139 (2012) Commemorations and Solidarity Protests/Vigils: This could be a simple get together in a public place where you can hand out materials about the current situation Tibet and information about Tibetan resistance. There are a number of resources that can be used including past artwork 'Losar because I am Tibetan', 'Losar because I Love Tibet' which are available to download from the Losar resources page at http://www.tibetnetwork.org/resources-losar2012.

ii) Make a Lhakar Pledge: With news that more Tibetans in Tibet are engaging in Lhakar actions (see ICT's report http://www.savetibet.org/media-center/ict-news-reports/footage-and-images-major-peaceful-gatherings-and-vigils-yulshul-lhakar-day) we recommend groups promote the Lhakar Pledge as a way to engage supporters and highlight the growing resistance movement inside Tibet.
Lhakar Pledges can be made directly at http://lhakar.org/pledge/?gb_page=write and we are adding a promotion on www.IHeartTibet.org, which also gives some background to Tibetan Cultural Resistance. Ideas for Lhakar Losar pledges might include getting five friends to sign the Pledge on www.StandUpForTibet.org, asking three friends to attend 10 March Uprising protests, or calling elected representatives.

iii) Encourage supporters to light candles or butter lamps at event or at home to welcome in the Tibetan New Year and to honour the courage of those Tibetans who continue to resist China's occupation.

iv) Hang a khata on your door to welcome change, hope and renewal in 2139/2012.

v) Display a photo of the Dalai Lama, because Tibetans in Tibet are not allowed to.

vi) Ask supporters/the public to write personal messages on a colourful Windhorse. Artwork for Windhorses is available from the Losar resource page above. When people have writtent their messages, these can be displayed together to make a good photograph, then scattered somewhere symbolic, or sent to Tsering Choedup, Tibet Network's Asia Regional Coordinator in Dharamsala, who will collect them all together. (Send to Tsering Choedup, Tibet Network Asia Regional Coordinator, Jogiwara Road, P.O. Mcleod Ganj - 176 219, Distt Kangra, Dharamsala, H.P. INDIA)

2) Messaging and Resources: We have a number of resources for groups to use for Losar 2139 (2012), which can be found http://www.tibetnetwork.org/resources-losar2012 (no login needed). Some other resources developed for the Enough! Campaign may also be useful and can be found at http://www.tibetnetwork.org/ENOUGH (no login needed).

Talking Points for Losar 2139 (2012) will be ready on Monday 20 February. In the meantime our recommended messages are as follows:
The over-riding message is:
'Have a Lhakar Losar: Commemorate Tibetan Resistance and Unity'
Subsequent messages are:
* We respectfully commemorate the 23 Tibetans who have self-immolated since last Tibetan New Year and stand in solidarity with Tibetans in Tibet who continue to resist China's occupation of Tibet.
* Despite pressure from China to celebrate Losar 2139 in Tibet, Tibetans in eastern Tibet will mourn those who have died over the past year. Tibetans in exile and their supporters are expressing solidarity with Tibetans in Tibet by pledging to take action this Losar 2139 (2012).


New Action plan




12月1日より、ITSNではテンジン デレグ リンポチェに焦点を当てキャンペーンを展開します。
ITSNウェブサイト内のResouces (資料)から、ダウンロード出来る絵はがきを含むアクションについて詳しいメッセージは来週お届けする予定です。

テンジン デレグ リンポチェに焦点を当てたキャンペーンは12月から1月にかけて展開され,その期間中には以下の重要期日を含みます。
12月2日 - テンジン デレグ リンポチェの判決告知から7年目
12月10日- 人権デー
1月26日- テンジン デレグ リンポチェと同時に逮捕され判決を受けたロブサン ドンドォップの処刑から7年目

同サイトでは引き続きドンドップ ワンチェンについても、キャンペーンを続けて行きます。ITSNでは参加団体に対して引き続きドンドップの釈放に付いてもキャンペーンを続行してくださるよう、要請します。
現在、ドンドップ ワンチェンについて中国要員との間で協議してくれるよう訴えた2つの機会、欧州/中国サミットとオバマ大統領の中国訪問からの事後報告をまっています。ITSNではドンドップ ワンチェンについて 随時、最新情報をお知らせしていきます。

2.人権デー - 12月10日


例;テンジン デレグ リンポチェ(彼の行った地域運動の中で環境問題を含んだ)
、ルンゲ アダック(中国政府の政策に抗議した遊牧民)、ドルマ ギャッブ(環境問題について書いた文筆業者)やクンガ ツァンヤン(環境破壊についての記録をした)。
これら詳細はチベット第3極点運動のサイトでご覧頂けます。;Third Pole website: http://www.tibetthirdpole.org.



4. 中国アウトリーチプロジェクト援助金の締め切り





在日チベット人会 ソナム ツェリン様が主催しました

『慈悲を生きる ダライ・ラマ14世とチベット』

この度 SFT日本に寄付があり、



『北京オリンピック 長野聖火リレーアピール』会計報告

寄付して頂いた皆様 ありがとうございます。


項目        金額
施設使用(追悼含む) 32,500
チベット人交通費 160,000
手数料         100
参加者配布資料代 25,515
郵送代 3,450
雑費 7,998
合計 229,563



5/9 Suggested Action for Torch Ascent up Everest(聖火チョモランマ登頂への世界中でのキャンドル供養よびかけ)






3/10以降に亡くなった方の名前を書いたボードやプラカードを作ってください(CTA のリストは、4/28 にSonam Sangmo が TSG リストに載せています。リストがお手元にない場合は、Freya にメールしてください)。プラカードのシルエットは、以下の ITSN サイトからダウンロードできます。
キャンドル供養や祈りを予定している場合は、以下の情報を Kala@studentsforafreetibet.org

・連絡先:氏名、メール、電話番号(Contact Person: Name, Email and/or Tel #)

チベット活動家は、国際オリンピック委員会に対し、6月の聖火リレーのチベット通過許可を即刻取り消すよう求めます。これは、これ以上の弾圧とチベット人の殺害を防止するためです。私たちは、6月(Gyalthang を6/9ごろ出発)にチベット3地区を通過する予定の聖火リレーについて非常に憂慮しています。
(Radio Free Asia:http://www.rfa.org/english/news/rally_tibet-04232008112606.html)

- ダライラマ法王が作成された、山の神々がチベット人を守るための祈りは、以下からダウンロードできます(Word)。
ITSN ではサンプル プレス リリースを用意しています。聖火の登頂が始まったら、それを必要に応じて適宜修正し、関係者に送付してください。
今回は、新聞社に論説を載せるいい機会でもあります。論説を執筆したい方がいらっしゃったら、Freya (freya@tibetnetwork.org) まで連絡してください。チベットグループに配布し、それぞれの地域の新聞社に送付してもらいます。

フレーヤ・ピット(Freya Putt)
Olympics Campaigns Coordinator
International Tibet Support Network

--カラヤン・メンドーザ(Kalaya'an Mendoza)
Grassroots CoordinatorStudents for a Free Tibet
International Headquarters
SFT TV: www.youtube.com/SFTTV



Dear all,
As Tendor and Lhadon have noted, the weather has so far prevented the Chinese climb team from managing the climb up Mount Everest with the Olympic torch. However, assuming that they eventually will be able to make it, ITSN is encouraging all Tibet Groups and Tibet supporters to be ready to draw attention to the real issues in Tibet from the momentthe ascent begins.
We encourage everyone to participate in the suggestions Lhadon and Tendor have sent to this list. I have recapped these and added a few additional suggestions below.
Global Vigils as the Olympic Torch Ascends Everest When the Chinese government flaunts its control of Tibet by "conquering" the summit of Chomolangma/Mount Everest, Tibetans andTibet supporters around the world will commemorate the loss of life in Tibet since March 10th, reminding the world of the people the Chinese government has killed and the suffering they have caused.
Action suggestion:
- Hold candlelight vigils or public prayer ceremonies in central locations in your city/town, starting now or as soon as we know that the torch has begun its trip up Everest.
- If holding a prayer vigil, pray for the dead since this week marks the Shargu or 49th day period since the crackdown began, and pray to the mountain gods and deities of Tibet, particularly the traditional deities of Himalayan ranges, invoking them to protect the Tibetan people at this critical moment in Tibet's history.
- Encourage monks and nuns to attend and string prayer flags all around the site,
as seen in the mountain passes of Tibet.
- Create signs and placards with names of Tibetans who have lost their lives since March 10th (list from CTA was sent by Sonam Sangmo on the TSG list on April 28th. If you do not have it, email Freya).You can download silhouettes for placards from ITSN at http://www.tibetnetwork.org/files/protests2008/silhouettes.zip
If you plan to hold a vigil or prayer please email the following information to:Kala@studentsforafreetibet.org
Contact Person: Name,
Email and/or Tel #
- Carrying the Olympic torch up Mount Everest is a political move intended to demonstrate the Chinese government's control over Tibet, and for Tibetans
- who are entering the final week of mourning for those killed in the initial days of the uprising that started in March- the triumphant parade of the torch up one of Tibet's sacred mountains is a gross insult.
- Tibet campaigners call on the International Olympic Committee to immediately withdraw its authorization for the torch to be carried through Tibet in June to prevent further repression and loss of life for Tibetans. We are gravely concerned that parading the torch through Tibet's three provinces in June - beginning around 9th June in Gyalthang
- will provoke further protests by Tibetans and another bloody crackdown by the Chinese authorities in response. These concerns are heightened by reports that Chinese authorities are organizing a mass rally of Han Chinese in front of the Potala
Palace in Lhasa when the torch arrives there in June
(Radio Free Asia:http://www.rfa.org/english/news/rally_tibet-04232008112606.html)
- This week, Tibetans worldwide will hold prayer vigils for those killed in the uprising and at the same time invoke the protectordeities that reside on Mt. Everest.
- The Tibetan prayer invoking the mountain deities to protect the Tibetan people, composed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, can be downloaded (in Tibetan) in word format athttp://studentsforafreetibet.org/downloads/Prayer_to_Mountain_Deities.doc
- ITSN will send out a sample press release that you may modify and send to
your local contacts as soon as we get word that the torch is on its way up.
- This is also a good opportunity to try to get op-eds into your local papers. If you are interested in drafting an op-ed that we could disseminate to Tibet groups to be submitted to their local papers, please contact Freya.

Freya Putt
Olympics Campaigns Coordinator
International Tibet
Support Network
Kalaya'an Mendoza
Grassroots Coordinator
Students for a Free Tibet International Headquarters


5/8 Lha-Gyallo! Global Vigil to Protest China's Everest Summit(チョモランマへの聖火登頂に抗議して祈りの灯を捧げます)


Lha-Gyallo! Global Vigil to Protest China's Everest Summit on Thursday

Hey Freedom Fighters!
We just learned that in less that 24 hours, the Chinese Olympic torch will be summiting Mount Everest. This follows the brutal crackdown in Tibet with over 200 Tibetans killed, thousands imprisoned and countless others who have been "disappeared" in night raids by Chinese security forces. So far it seems as though even the mountain deities are raising their voices in protest: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7384476.stm

For the next 48 hours Tibetans and their supporters in cities all over the world will be holding vigils and prayers calling on the protector deities of Tibet to protect the Tibetan people as well as praying for the speedy rebirth of those killed by Chinese forces.Along with the spiritual aspect of this action we ask that Tibetan community leaders and supporters tell the media that while the Chinese empire is on its quest to conquer Everest, we Tibetans are mourning those killed in China's crackdown and holding a Global Vigil.

You can download the prayer to the mountain deities here: http://studentsforafreetibet.org/downloads/Prayer_to_Mountain_Deities.doc
(this prayer was written by His Holiness the Dalai Lama invoking the mountain deities to protect the Tibetan people)
If you are organizing a prayer or vigil please email the details to: kala@studentsforafreetibet.org
Phone: (917) 595 0140
and I will post it on the SFT Website.


In Solidarity.
Kalaya'an Mendoza-- Kalaya'an
MendozaGrassroots CoordinatorStudents for a Free Tibet International


 24時間以内に、中国のオリンピック聖火がエベレストに登頂します。これは、200人以上のチベット人が殺され、数千人が投獄され、数多くの人々が中国の武装警察によって一夜のうちに「消された」チベットでの残酷な弾圧に続く悲劇です。ヒマラヤの神々も抗議の声を上げているかのようです(その様子は、http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7384476.stm をご覧ください)。
(917) 595 0140
