3/28 ダライ・ラマ14世、中国への呼びかけ
3/28 An Appeal to the Chinese People from His Holiness the 14th
Today, I extend heartfelt greetings to my Chinese brothersand sistersround the world, particularly to those in the People's Republic of China.In the light of the recent developments in Tibet, I wouldlike to share with you my thoughts concerning relations between the Tibetan and Chinesepeoples, and to make a personal appeal to you all.
I am deeply saddened by the loss of life in the recen tragic events in Tibet. I am aware that some Chinese have also died. I feel for the victims and their families and pray for them. The recent unrest has clearly demonstrated the gravity of the situation in Tibet and the urgent need toseek a peaceful and mutually beneficial solution through dialogue. Even at this juncture I have expressed my willingness to the Chinese authorities to work together to bring about peace and stability.
Chinese brothers and sisters, I assure you I have no desire to seek Tibet's separation. Nor do I have any wish to drive a wedge between the Tibetan and Chinese peoples. On the contrary my commitmenthas always been to find a genuine solution to the problem of Tibet that ensures the long-term interests of both Chinese and Tibetans. My primary concern, as I have repeated time and again, is to ensure the survival of the Tibetan people's distinctive culture, language and identity. As a simple monk who strives to live his daily life according to Buddhist precepts, I assure you of the sincerity of my motivation.
I have appealed to the leadership of the PRC to clearly understand my position and work to resolve these problems by "seekin truth from facts."I urge the Chinese leadership to exercise wisdom and to initiate a meaningful dialogue with the Tibetan people. I also appeal to them to make sincere efforts to contribute to the stability and harmonyof the PRC and avoid creating rifts between the nationalities. The state media's portrayal of the recent events in Tibet, using deceit and distorted images, could sow the seeds of racial tension with unpredictable long-term consequences. This is of grave concern to me. Similarly,despite my repeated support for the Beijing Olympics, the Chinese authorities, with the intention of creating rift between the Chinese people and myself, assert that I am trying to sabotage the games. I am encouraged, however, that several Chinese intellectuals and scholars have also expressed their strong concern about the Chinese leadership's actions and the potential for adverse long-term consequences, particularly on relations among different nationalities.
Since ancient times, Tibetan and Chinese peoples have lived as neighbors.In the two thousand year-old recorded history of our peoples, we have at times developed friendly relations, even entering into matrimonial alliances, while at other times we fought each other. However, since Buddhism flourished in China first before it arrived in Tibet from India, we Tibetans have historically accorded the Chinese people the respect and affection due to elder Dharma brothers and sisters. This is something well known to members of the Chinese community living outside China, some of whom have attended my Buddhist lectures, as well as pilgrims from mainland China, whom I have had the privilege to meet. I take heart from these meetings and feel they may contribute to a better understanding between our two peoples.
The twentieth century witnessed enormous changes in many parts of the world and Tibet, too, was caught up in this turbulence. Soon after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the People's Liberation Army entered Tibet finally resulting in the 17-Point Agreement concluded between China and Tibet in May 1951. When I was in Beijing in 1954-55, attending the National People's Congress, I had the opportunity to meet and develop a personal friendship with many senior leaders, including Chairman Mao himself. In fact, Chairman Mao gave me advice on numerous issues, as well as personal assurances with regard to the futureof Tibet. Encouraged by these assurances, and inspired by the dedication of many of China's revolutionary leaders of the time, I returned to Tibet full of confidence and optimism. Some Tibetan members of the Communist Party also had such a hope. After my return to Lhasa, I made every possible effort to seek genuine autonomy for Tibet within the family of the People's Republic of China (PRC). I believed that this would best serve the long-term interests of both the Tibetan and Chinese peoples.
Unfortunately, tensions, which began to escalate in Tibet from around 1956, eventually led to the peaceful uprising of March 10, 1959, in Lhasa and my eventual escape into exile. Although many positive developments have taken place in Tibet under the PRC's rule, these developments, as the previous Panchen Lama pointed out in January 1989, were overshadowed by immense suffering and extensive destruction. Tibetans were compelled to live in a state of constant fear, while the Chinese government remained suspicious of them. However, instead of cultivating enmity towards the Chinese leaders responsible for the ruthless suppression of the Tibetan people, I prayed for them to become friends, which I expressed in the following lines in a prayer I composed in 1960, a year after I arrived in India: "May they attain the wisdom eye discerning right and wrong, And may they abide in the glory of friendship and love." Many Tibetans, school children among them, recite these lines in their daily prayers.
In 1974, following serious discussions with my Kashag (cabinet), as well as the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the then Assembly of the Tibetan People's Deputies, we decided to find a Middle Way that would seek not toseparate Tibet from China, but would facilitate thepeaceful development of Tibet. Although we had no contact at the time with the PRC - which was in the midst of the Cultural Revolution - we had already recognized thatsooner or later, we would have to resolve the question of Tibet through negotiations. We also acknowledged that, at least with regard to modernization and economic development, it would greatly benefit Tibet if it remained within the PRC. Although Tibet has a rich and ancient cultural heritage, it is materially undeveloped.
Situated on the roof of the world, Tibet is the source of many of Asia's major rivers, therefore, protection of the environment on the Tibetan plateau is of supreme importance. Since our utmost concern is to safeguard Tibetan Buddhist culture - rooted as it is in the values of universal compassion - as well as the Tibetan language and the unique Tibetan identity, we have worked whole-heartedly towards achieving meaningful self-rule for all Tibetans. The PRC's constitution provides the right for nationalities such as the Tibetans to do this.
In 1979, the then Chinese paramount leader, Deng Xiaoping assured my personal emissary that "except for the independence of Tibet, all other questions can be negotiated." Since we had already formulated our approach to seeking a solution to the Tibetan issue within the constitution of the PRC, we found ourselves well placed to respond to this new opportunity. My representatives met many times with officials of the PRC. Since renewing our contacts in 2002, we have had six rounds of talks. However, on the fundamental issue, there has been no concrete result at all. evertheless, as I have declared many times, I remain firmly committed to the Middle Way approach and reiterate here my willingness to continue to pursue the
process of dialogue.
This year the Chinese people are proudly and eagerly awaiting the opening of the Olympic Games. I have, from the start, supported Beijing's being awarded the opportunity to host the Games. My position remains unchanged. China has the world's largest population, a long history and an extremely rich civilization. Today, due to her impressive economic progress, she is emerging as a great power. This is certainly to be welcomed. But China also needs to earn the respect and esteem of the global community through the establishment of an open and harmonious society based on the principles of transparency, freedom, and the rule of law. For example, to this day victims of the Tiananmen Square tragedy that adversely affected the lives of so many Chinese citizens have received neither just redress nor any official response. Similarly, when thousands of ordinary Chinese in rural areas suffer injustice at the hands of exploitative and corrupt local officials, their legitimate complaints are either ignored or met with aggression. I express these concerns both as a fellow human being and as someone who is prepared to consider himself a member of the large family that is the People's Republic of China. In this respect, I appreciate and support President Hu Jintao's policy of creating a "harmonious society", but this can only arise on the basis of mutual trust and an atmosphere of freedom, including freedom of speech and the rule of law. I strongly believe that if these values are embraced, many important problems relating to minority ationalities can be resolved, such as the issue of Tibet, as well as Eastern Turkistan, and Inner Mongolia, where the native people now constitute only 20% of a total population of 24 million.
I had hoped President Hu Jintao's recent statement that the stability and safety of Tibet concerns the stability and safety of the country might herald the dawning of a new era for the resolution of the problem of Tibet. It is unfortunate that despite my sincere efforts not to separate Tibet from China, the leaders of the PRC continue to accuse me of being a "separatist". Similarly, when Tibetans in Lhasa and many other areas spontaneously protested to express their deep-rooted resentment, the Chinese authorities immediately accused me of having orchestrated their emonstrations. I have called for a thorough investigation by a respected body to look into this allegation.
Chinese brothers and sisters - wherever you may be - with deep concern I appeal to you to help dispel the misunderstandings between our two communities. Moreover, I appeal to you to help us find a peaceful, lasting solution to the problem of Tibet through dialogue in the spirit of understanding and accommodation.
With my prayers,
Dalai Lama
March 28, 2008
Media Coordination Desk
Department of Information & International Relations
Central Tibetan Administration
Dharamshala - 176215
4/1 長野ミーティングを開催します
日時 2008年4月1日(火)午後7時から
場所 もんぜんぷら座(長野市)
3/24 チベット支援団体、IOCに聖火リレーのチベット通過中止を要求
2008年 03月 24日 13:59
[オリンピア遺跡(ギリシャ) 23日 ロイター]
チベット支援活動を行う学生組織、Students for a Free Tibet(SFT)のTenzin Dorjee副委員長は記者団に対し「IOCがいくらかでも尊厳を持っているなら、まず最初にやるべきことは聖火リレーのチベット地区通過を中止することだ」と述べた。 当地では24日に北京五輪の聖火採火式が行われるが、チベット活動家らは抗議行動を計画しており、多くの警察官が配備されるなど緊張が高まっている。
3/25 長野の聖火リレーで中国側がデモ抑止対応など要請
長野市で4月26日に行われる北京五輪の聖火リレーについて、北京五輪組織委員会側が「(聖火リレーに合わせて)破壊活動を計画している団体があるという情報をつかんでいる」として、デモや集会の抑止に努めるよう同市のリレー実行委に求めていたことが24日、分かった。 実行委事務局の長野市教委体育課によると、13日に組織委の担当者と中国大使館職員の計4人が聖火リレーの打ち合わせのため長野市を訪問。その際、中国政府が定めた聖火リレーの警備に関する基準を市に示し、沿道でのデモ隊抑止など、この基準に沿った対応を要請した。 実行委側は「日本の法律に沿って対応する」と回答。中国側から「破壊活動」についての具体的な説明はなく、実行委もデモ計画などは今のところ把握していないという。
計画は、聖火リレーを行う世界各国でSFTが展開する活動の一環。リレー前日の25日午後7時から、同市新田町のもんぜんぷら座でチベット文化交流会を開き、ツェリンさんがチベット問題の歴史と現状を難民体験を通じて話す。 リレー当日の26日は、「チベット問題を忘れないで」などと呼び掛ける横断幕を沿道に掲げる方向で調整中だ。
3/22 SFT日本の顔合わせ&ミーティング
3月22日、TSNJ主催の中国大使館前抗議活動とデモに合わせ、ツェリン・ドルジェさんが上京します。これまで、メンバー間でゆっくり話をする機会がなかったので、 SFTの活動について一緒に行動してくださる方と、 これからどう進めていったらいいかを話し合ったり 互いに自己紹介したりしたいと考えています。
- 場所:ルノアール日本橋高島屋前店 - 電話 03-3272-8048
- 場所 中央区日本橋2-3-6日本土地ビルB1
- 予約団体名 SFTジャパン
- 会議室 [ 日本橋高島屋前店 ] 1号室(5~10名)
- 室料1100円10㎡
- 利用日時 2008年3月22日(土)
- 17時30分 から 2時間 ・利用定員5~10名
- ご利用参考料金 部屋代2200 飲食 2800(5人の場合)
信頼できる拘禁者数のデータはありませんが、報告によると広範囲での奇襲と逮捕がラサで行われています。Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy(が受けた目撃者からの報告によると「暴力を受け、無理やり連れて行かる息子たちと親しい家族を見ながらどうすることもできず母親と年配の方々は治安部隊に慈悲を嘆願していた」としています。
- (あなたの国)は中国政府の残忍な取締りに対して強く非難するべきです。
- (あなたの国の政府)はダライ・ラマ法王が提案した 「より早く、国連の調査団がチベットに行く」ことを 強く支持するように訴えてください
- (あなたの国)はできる限り、中国の政府に治安部隊を撤退させて抑留される方々を解放して穏やかな抗議を 許すように促すべきです。さらに戸別の捜索をやめ、真夜中の締め切りがすげても抗議者を逮捕しないこと。 最後に外国人記者がチベットの各地方への再入国を許可すること。
SFTのホームページ <>
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Bod Rangzen - Free Tibet - チベットに自由を!
ニューヨークのSFT HQのLobsang, Kate, Dechen, Mel, Han, Kunsang,Gaphel, Nick, Kala, Lhakyi, Tenzinより
Urgent Action: Deadline Looms... Speak up for Tibet!
Urgent Action: Deadline Looms... Speak up for Tibet!
The uprising in Tibet continues to spread and the courageous Tibetans who are speaking out need our support now more than ever. Just today, 100 Tibetan middle school students in Ngaba, Amdo (Sichuan) staged a spontaneous demonstration on their school grounds calling for the return of the Dalai Lama. It is reported that 40 of the students were severely beaten and arrested. 700 additional Tibetan students from the same middle school are now bravely conducting a demonstration to demand the release of their peers outside the Public Security Bureau building where the students are being held.
Reports of protests in cities across Tibet, including the Tibetan provinces of Amdo and Kham (now annexed into China's Qinghai, Sichuan, and Gansu provinces) counter the Chinese government claims that the unrest is the result of a handful of "troublemakers" and demonstrate the widespread Tibetan opposition to China's occupation. See incredible video footage of protests in Labrang.
Tibetans and supporters around the world are holding solidarity vigils and protests today in support of the continued uprising in Tibet as China's so-called "surrender" deadline for Tibetan protesters approaches.
The Chinese authorities in Lhasa have threatened an increased crackdown after midnight Monday (4pm GMT) and according to Chinese state-run media, "Those who harbor or hide criminal elements shall be punished severely according to law upon completion of investigations."
Already, armed Chinese police have been conducting house-to-house searches and making arbitrary arrests. There is no reliable estimate of the number of detentions but reports suggest wide-scale raids and arrests across Lhasa. According to eyewitness reports received by the Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy, "mothers and elderlies in the families helplessly plea at security forces upon seeing their sons and loved ones being beaten and dragged away."
The Dalai Lama spoke out strongly yesterday, saying that Chinese authorities "simply rely on using force in order to simulate peace, a peace brought by force using a rule of terror."
Please, show your support for the Tibetans living under China's "rule of terror." Call your Elected Representatives today, and urge them to call for an immediate international intervention in Tibet.
Call and ask to speak to someone about the situation in Tibet. You may be passed to a legislative aide or simply have your comments recorded by an office administrator, which is fine.
Tell them:
- [Your country] should speak out forcefully against China's brutal crackdown in Tibet.
- Please urge [your government] to strongly support the Dalai Lama's call for a United Nations team of investigators to go to Tibet as soon as possible.
- [Your government] should do everything in its power to urge China to withdraw military and security forces, release those detained, and allow peaceful protest. China must halt house-to-house searches; and authorities must refrain from any further arrests of Tibetan protesters even after its so-called surrender deadline has passed on Monday at midnight. China must immediately allow foreign journalists back into all Tibetan areas (Tibetan Autonomous Region as well as the Tibetan areas of Gansu, Qinghai and Sichuan).
This is an urgent matter because the "surrender deadline" is fast approaching – and may actually have passed as you're reading this – so please call immediately.
There are solidarity protests and vigils planned for today, especially marking the time of China's so-called surrender deadline. Click here to see information on the worldwide protests. Consider joining an event happening in your community or hold a vigil or protest of your own to show support for the Tibetan uprising.
Please stay tuned to the situation in Tibet as it unfolds by visiting the SFT website and the SFT blog. Both are filled with breaking news and analysis.
Bod Rangzen - Free Tibet,
Lobsang, Kate, Dechen, Mel, Han, Kunsang, Gaphel, Nick, Kala, Lhakyi, Tenzinand everyone else at SFT International Headquarters in New York
3/14 ラサで中国系商店放火の情報――CNN
3/14 僧侶2人が重体、混乱続く―チベット
僧侶2人が重体、混乱続く チベット、動乱から49年
2008年3月14日 17時03分
3/14 チベット僧院を人民解放軍が封鎖
2008年03月14日 16:21 発信地:北京/中国
【3月14日 AFP】中国のチベット(Tibet)自治区の中心都市ラサ(Lhasa)で、人民解放軍が市内3大僧院を包囲した。米ワシントンD.C.(Washington, DC)を拠点とするチベット支援団体「チベットのための国際キャンペーン」(International Campaign for Tibet、ICT)が14日、明らかにした。
ラサの住民らと話をしたICT広報のケイト・サンダース(Kate Saunders)さんは「ラサは現在、不安と緊張の入り交じった雰囲気が強まっている」と英ロンドン(London)から現地の状況を伝えた。
Indian police halt Tibetan march
Tsering Dorjee saw this story on the BBC News website and thought youshould see it.
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This report from BBC NEWS.
** Indian police halt Tibetan march
**Police in India detain 100 Tibetan refugees trying to march to Tibet in protest over China hosting the Olympics.
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Tibet protest quashed
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Your Excellency,
I am very concerned to learn that the Indian government has ordered the Tibetans' nonviolent March to Tibet stopped. I came to know through international media reports that early this morning Indian police arrested and forcibly removed the 100 Tibetan marchers from the road near Dehra bridge, 63 kilometers from Dharamsala. I understand that the marchers are now being held under house arrest in a dormitory at Jawalamukhi.
More than any other country, India has witnessed the enormous suffering of the Tibetan people - both inside and outside Tibet. For Tibetans worldwide, India holds deep spiritual significance and for many, it is a second homeland. I am very grateful to the people and government of India for the kindness and hospitality you have shown to the Tibetan people. I trust that you will now see the Tibetans' longing to reclaim their country is only natural and, as a nation that waged its own independence movement, I hope that India will show support for this initiative.
The March to Tibet is a peaceful march inspired by the great non-violent approach of Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian people. India is the largest democracy in the world and as such, I believe should respect the Tibetans right to March to Tibet. The Indian authorities issued a restraining order against the marchers on March 10th, alledging that their actions could lead to a breach of public peace. This is simply not the case. The Tibetan people have demonstrated their commitment to nonviolence time and time again and the Tibet movement is recognized worldwide as one of the greatest peaceful struggles of all time. These marchers have undergone strict nonviolence training and have stated their dedication to this approach.
The March to Tibet has gained enormous international support. I hope India will also support the Tibetan people in their just cause and facilitate their journey home. I call upon the Indian government to immediately release all of the marchers and permit this march to continue. This movement is a tribute to the spirit of the great Gandhi, whose teachings are being practiced by the Tibetan people in their struggle for freedom.
Jai Bharat, Jai Tibbat
Yours Sincerely,
3/12 チベット・ラサで僧侶ら数十人拘束
中国:ラサで僧侶、チベット政策に抗議デモ 70人拘束
毎日新聞 2008年3月11日 22時03分